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A Mystical Commentary on The Book of Lambspring is an esoteric interpretation of the classic 17th century text. The book differs from many alchemical works by almost entirely avoiding overt references to physical laboratory processes. Instead, the material provides an overview of the arc of mystical transmutation and a set of deep inner transformations that are pointed out in the commentary. The complete text and cycle of 15 emblematic engravings are presented alongside a detailed analysis that is articulated through the Kabbalistic symbol system. Accompanying this, is a set of originally constructed graphic seals that translate the content into sacred geometry through an unusual array of devices, such as the ibri gate and 9 chambers. The goal is for this masterpiece of the alchemical tradition to become accessible to serious practitioners of Hermeticism and Kabbalah for use in inner spiritual work.


Video course available (not included with book purchase).


Buyers in the UK can get the book at Watkins Books & The Atlantis Bookshop.

Buyers in Canada can get the book at Anathema Publishing.

Hardcover copies available at Dark Star Magick.

Also available on Amazon.

A Mystical Commentary on the Book of Lambspring


• 6x9 paperback or

• Linen hardcover with dustjacket

• Perfect bound

• 42 images

• 108 pages

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