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Transfiguration of the Mind’s Eye: Psycho-Aetheric Alchemy Volume 4

The Psycho-Aetheric Alchemy series presents innovative new works utilizing esoteric symbol systems established in the Lightning Flash of Alef books, published between 2017 and 2023. Transfiguration of the Mind’s Eye is a Kabbalistic analysis of the great work that summarizes major transitions on the tree of life through 5 configurations of sefirot. The main focus is on how keter shapes the tree by allowing Aur En Sof to pour through either encumbered by resistances (klipot) or unencumbered as the innate purity of reality. Since a working understanding of the sefirot is required to understand this distinction, this volume is best suited for those with a strong background in either Hermetic or Hebrew Kabbalah.


There are some flawed paperbacks that we are selling at a discount. The book is beautifully printed but the trim is a slightly off. It doesn't affect readability or interfere with the art. All sales on flawed books are final.


Buyers in Canada can get the book at Anathema.

Buyers in the UK can get the book at Watkins Books.

Also available on Amazon.

Volume 4: Transfiguration of the Mind’s Eye


• 6x9 Paperback

• 49 images

• 104 pages

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